Thursday, May 26, 2011


Spending a week in a third world country will always change your perspective on life. 15 Adults and students made the 20 hour drive down to Mexico for a week of serving. We worked with a local church in Camalu Mexico, 4 hours south of the border. We helped put in bathrooms at the church by digging a septic system (8ft x 8t x 8ft deep hole). We also provided VBS for the kids of the church and the community. So many things about this trip made it very memorable, but one event that stood out was our time spent in a small impoverished village. This little village was on the side of a hill and was without electricity or water. We arrived and began inviting kids to come out and play. They began to show up from everywhere, very excited and hungry for attention, love and food. It was our plan to be there just one night, but after only 10 min I knew we needed to come back. We told the kids we would be back the next night and we headed home. We spent the next day working and doing VBS at the local church in Camalu. That evening we decided to head back to the village with food, and a full VBS program. As we pulled into the village, kids came running down the mountain side yelling with excitement. It was a very emotional evening as we poured our hearts out to these little kids in need of a loving Savior. We played, shared the message of Jesus through puppets and testimonies, passed out bibles, and food. It was an amazing night and one we will never forget. The picture above is Dawn with her friend Jennifer. Jennifer lives with her mom and 2 little siblings in a house made of plastic and sticks. We pray that we are able to go back and build her family a home. It is very humbling to realize how much we have been given in our country and how ungrateful we have become. My prayer coming home is that I will always remember. Thank you to those who helped support these students and this opportunity they were able to experience.

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